OSCAM 11812-802 Streaming

Oscam 11812-802

OSCAM 11812-802 Streaming Fix IPv4 fallback
* automatic fallback to IPv4 if the reader have an AAAA and an A record and the connect via IPv6 failed
* automatic fallback to IPv4 name resolution if a user connects (with a set ‘hostname’ parameter) and have an AAAA and an A record and IPv6 does not match
* new reader option ipv4force = {0|1} (always use IPv4) to force IPv4 usage
* automatic fallback to IPv4 on server-listener

OSCAM 11812-802 Streaming

ALL Images mips – arm – arm64


Set Coordinate ECM in HTTP streams to YES
Decrypt HTTP Streams NO
Decrypt received HTTP streams NO


Set Coordinate ECM in HTTP streams to NO
Decrypt HTTP Streams YES
Decrypt received HTTP streams NO


Oscam 11714

version 11812-802


OSCAM for DM900, DM920, DM520,DM525, DM820, DM7080 (DEB)

OOZOON, DREAM Tip top, NEWNIGMA2, GEMINI, Merlin5, SatLodge


Oscam 11812-802

OSCAM for vuplus zero 4K/solo 4k/ultimo 4k/uno 4k, freak hd51/52, Hatchet 51/52, Xtrend, ET11000/120000, Spycat 4K, Edision 4k, Octagon 4k , DM900, DM920, Vu+ solo, Uno, Team, Ultimo, Zero (IPK)

OpenATV, BlackHole, OpenBH, OpenLD, OpenPLi, OpenHDF, OpenVix, VTI, SatDreamGr, OpenDroid

Oscam 11812-802 Streaming

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